Root Canal Chicago
Root canals are a common treatment in Chicago today and Family Dental Care has the tools and the knowledgeable and dedicated staff to get the job done with care and effectively. A root canal is done to repair and save a damaged or infected tooth instead of removing it. The common causes include a cracked tooth, a deep cavity, repeated dental treatment or trauma to the tooth. Root canals were known for being extremely painful, however, at Family Dental Care in Chicago we are able to incorporate new dental technology and anesthetics that allow for little if any pain.
Root canal treatments can consist of a lot of trips to the dentist depending on your situation. There can be up to four plus steps involved with the proper root canal treatment and this starts with the dentist taking x-rays of the tooth and finishes with the tooth being filled. If more than one visit is required, a temporary filling is put in the crown opening of the tooth to protect it between the different appointments. Click here to see an illustrated version of root canal treatment from start to finish.
Why Do You Need It?
If you do not get root canal treatment your injured nerve will be left untreated and can cause the infection to spread because the tooth will never heal. Bone damage around your teeth can form from an abscess developing around the root tip or your jawbone. The bone supporting your tooth could break down altogether and end up loosening your tooth. All of these are much more painful than getting the treatment done and can lead to many more expensive problems in the long run, especially if you end up losing the tooth.
Though root canal procedures used to be known as painful, today an infected tooth or the pre-root canal is what causes the pain. A root canal is now a solution to the pain because of anesthesia options and new surgical techniques. A root canal is comparable to getting a filling in terms of how it feels during the procedure. Also, Family Dental Care explains the many benefits, including that it will prevent future infection or injury to that tooth’s pulp. You are avoiding bigger problems down the road by getting root canal treatment as soon as you realize it is what you need.
Family Dental Care
Family Dental Care takes pride in the care and respect they treat their clients with in Chicago, especially in terms of their root canal treatment. Though root canal treatment used to be painful, modern medicine has made it a quick and efficient treatment that feels similar to a filling. Contact us today to learn more about our service and schedule an appointment.