For dentists in Lakeview and across the United States, getting our patients to understand the importance of gum health is difficult. Most people’s priority is to keep their teeth shining white. And while that’s a fantastic goal, maintaining healthy gums is just as integral to keeping your mouth healthy.
Luckily, keeping your gums healthy doesn’t take much more than the standard best practices for dental hygiene. You’ve heard it before—brush twice daily, floss, and visit your dentist in Lakeview for regular cleanings.
Why keep your gums healthy? Why are they important?
Your mouth encounters bacteria all the time. But you’ve got tools, like saliva, to fight off that bacteria. Unhealthy gums present an attractive place for bacteria that would usually be fought off with the natural cleaning devices in your mouth. When you don’t take care of your gums, you’re inviting harmful bacteria.
Problems with your gums can start with something as small as inflammation. But, left untreated, this swelling can turn into severe gum disease. Severe gum disease often results in the total loss of a tooth.
But the health implications of unhealthy gums go beyond the mouth to the rest of your body.
An article from Harvard Health Publications details the risks associated with poor gum health. The doctors at Harvard found that patients with gum disease also had a higher risk for “cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, pregnancy complications, and dementia.”
While this is scary stuff, like we mentioned before, it doesn’t take much more than standard dental hygiene to keep your gums healthy. Your dentist in Lakeview can give you even more strategies to keep your gums bacteria free.
The University of Rochester Medical Centers says avoiding sticky foods with lots of sugar and eating foods with high calcium content helps maintain good gum health. If you chew gum, they also suggest chewing sugar-free brands.
If you’re looking for a dentist in Lakeview, look up the professionals at Chicago Family Dental Care. We’d be happy to talk to you more about why keeping your gums healthy is so important or any other concerns you may have. Visit us on the web to learn more or read more helpful articles. Or give us a call at (773)528-0068.